Saturday, May 16, 2009


Last night or this morning really I had a dream that my older sister was living with us again and I was cleaning her room because I was moving into it. The first gross thing was I vacuumed up a black beetle then when I moved the dresser there was some weird black mole thing with tusks. When I tried to vaccuum it the tusks had ripped the vacuum hose and my sister saw it and wanted it
I told her it was dead and that was gross but she took it so I told her to get out of my room.
Then feeling sick later because that was so gross I ..... Got sick lol on my floor and I had to clean it up. But when I went into the bathroom to put it into the toilet there was nothing in the toilet just like space... So I put it into the trash.
Also when I told them to get out of my room my little sister had a dog that was black and white and wearing a sweater, it didn't want to go so it started crying but it cried like a baby not a dog.
Then later my family was going to the Hello Kitty restaurant but to the right my mom spotted a hello kitty jewelry and perfume store so we went it to look. On the outside there was some hello kitty and sanrio bags. The entrance into the store was carpet that was so plush it was hard to walk on and then the rest of the store was slippery tile. But when I was in it all there was, was cover girl make up and other perfume. :(Also at this time I was carrying a baby, like a year old and this lady started talking to me about their products but then the baby started playing with and tv lady stopped talking. Then I woke up.
*sorry for the gross parts*
*Also this is my first mobile upload*

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